Minggu, 10 Februari 2019



Prod : Stevendro
Lyric & Vocal : Allawnism

Sesaat gila para raja rapal mantra.
utopia berkelana hidupkan semangat jiwa
sakit penuhi trauma, penuhi ribuan duka .
akulah dewa ku berfatwa bagai yang esa

Sukar menghela ku , kabut leburkan dosa. 
sentuh senja rakyat kota miskin wacana
campur duka ria, racuni lukisan sastra..
bongkar rakitan rima penuh esai rencana.

Di bawah panas terik mesin makin mncekik.
kadang kilas balik satu hadir polemik
juta jawab tanya hanya sebatas intrik.
tuntut prodak politik, slidik hakim penyidik

Beslakh sita hak milik karna terlapor delik,
biaskan bukti negatif, nurani dasar wettelijk
tak ubah fulan meracik dengan bukti terbalik,
khatam tafsiran sirik maktub wetboek burgrlijk

Kejam ranjam bungkam kami telah kau tikam
salam salim  kalam alam pasti merekam
kashta rima raja kami hilangkan nama
fatwa berbahaya mantra pencabut nyawa

Serikatan bangsa  martabat bagi sesama
kemerdekaan manusia, dan perdamaian dunia
bengis timbulkan rasa, kemarahan setiap manusia
kebebasan berbicara, dan serta beragama

Pria maupun wanita sebagai rakyat biasa
mempunyai cita-cita bukan karna terpaksa
bukan pula tersangka bukankah kita sama
dimata dunia, negara tuhan bersama

Orang tidak akan memilih pemberontakan
tentang kelaliman dan melawan penindasan
demi perahabatan piagam kemajuan
bertekad galakkan tuk capai kemerdekaan

Kehormatan kebebasan penghargaan pencapaian
tujuan dilahirkan perbedaan kedudukan
tidaklah diperbolehkan melewati satu batasan
pernyataan  bertentangan atas setiap  keadulatan

Kejam ranjam bungkam kami telah kau tikam
salam salim  kalam alam pasti merekam
kashta rima raja kami hilangkan nama
fatwa berbahaya mantra pencabut nyawa

Instagram :
Stevendro : https://www.instagram.com/stevendro24/ 

Selasa, 05 Februari 2019

Die Antifascist

Die antifascists.

you have to build lets say three pillars of antifascist action.
but you must build all three if you do only two of them.
you are likely to fail. you must do all three things.
the first thing is to deconstruct the slogans of the fascists because the fascist actually.

they don't have an ideology the have slogan
the take ideas from left and right.
for example that the problems are caused by the immigrants and not by the bankers.
something like that.
you must deconstruct this that the lite of the common people
here will be better if we throw the immigrants away.

decontruct the slogan of the fascists. decontrust the slogan of the fascists.
we are anti-fascist because we literally interpret freedom.
fascism is a denial of freedom and we believe in freedom.

that's why we are very much at odds with fascism.
violence is a crucial pillar of national social ideology (nazi).
take the myth of "superior humanity" dominating the street and being able to take care of it.
if you prove to those people that the power of national socialism is just a myth ... you eliminate ... you split the national socialist organization into half.

direct meaning means to think for yourself.
ask what's the best for movement. understand that you have strength.
it is a grassroots attraction of the organization.
with direct action, you can create grassroots organizations without strict bureaucracy.

slogan:  * Participate now, don't wait for elections *. the murder of Pavlos Fyssas.
It was September 18, 2013. he was killed by the golden dawn battalion.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
the history of history arises when people spread terror and panic.

Greece reacted to the political assassination of 34-year-old pavlos fyssas.
the murder victim was a well-known musician, famous for his views on antifasis.
involvement with golden dawn.
his death triggered a police investigation into the activities of golden dawn.
any members of the ultra right-wing party were arrested including their leaders
and members in parliament.

so that people know that antifasism is not radical that is normal.
the community will not protect us when we fight back to defend our lives.
we are alone.
there are significant parties in the police who sympathize with the extreme right group.

On Saturday, December 6, 2008 a group of teenagers, 16 years old,
were drinking beer on exarcheia on the famous mesologiou street.
the teenagers approached, throwing plastic water bottles at the police car.
they moved away and returned and fired bullets into the air.

at that time they shot and killed alexis grigoropoulos.
we attacked them because they were legal representation from an oppressive country.
they are legal representations of people who are not free.
and they are the realization that we are not free. police, pig, murderer.


Inspired by the antifacist film

Profasik (Allawnism)

Profasik (Allawnism)

kawan...pernahkah kalian dalam kesusahan.
cobalah ingat siapa yang mengulurkan tangan dengan senyuman menawan
siapa pula yang menjadi kebaikan mewakili akal tuhan. 

satu titik berderik ahli fasik mengusik
syair kafir terlahir pagi tengik berisik
fasik mulai berbisik sidik selidik penyidik
hardik licik kau tarik taktik cerdik otentik

kritis krisis kau fasis sadis sinis terlukis
tulis narsis berbaris najis laris mengemis
baptis macam alhadits berfikir realistis 
Allawnism mulai berdesis desas desus komunis

Taubat sobat martabat jilat syarat pelaknat
pekat ruwat pejabat aparat kumpul berhajat
hujat sikat serikat sendat kiblat plagiat
karat jerat penghambat keramat jimat sholawat 

setiap zona kenyamanan itu ruang penghabisan
setiap jalan kedamaian itu kamar pembantaian
pasal kasih mu tuhan sempit lorong kemenangan

sibuk berkeyakinan hingga lupa bertuhan
sibuk mencari makan hingga buang kewarasan
perindustrian, perbankan siap ganti kerugian
penahanan, penyitaan kebijakanan pemutusan

orang bermuka dua berebut memuja nama
cela jadikan cinta lihatlah orang berduka 
masihkah sudi mencela? masihkah riang berpesta? 
masihkah sombong didada? bukti bantu sesama. 

buanglah sragam mu jika kau takut kutukan
tanggalkan pangkat mu jika ingin kedamaian
buanglah sombong mu pasti kau raih kemenangan kawan.
mari bersama wujudkan perubahan.
